cleaning power valves

next time, just buy a can of carb cleaner and a box of razor blades. a new blade will shave the carbon completly off and is softer than the hard anodizing that is on them. when you have shaved off all the carbon, just rince it off with the carb cleaner.
Hell you'll be OK that coating is tuff, i used alum. aircraft paint remover/striper on mine...

carb cleaner won't tuch the stuff...
Oven cleaner can be some really harsh stuff. While the valves may have a tuff coating on them, I have seen pics of the damage oven cleaner can cause.

I use to do the razor blade thing, but I found it goes much faster with a wire wheel brush on a cordless drill. It will spin all that crap off the valves quicker than anything.

Ecopter, that's what i use, 2-1/2" wire wheel, if you're really worried about marking them, you can get the wheels in brass. I used steel, no marks. Just use common sense with the pressure you use, doesn't take much anyways.
