will this even be a close race?


Wishing for snow!
Dec 2, 2006
Hamilton, Ont
Well guys,

I was wonderig what you guys think of this race. It will be between a 98 SRX 700 vs. 2000 Millenium edition mach z 800.

*The srx has shaved heads, ported, clutched, geared, PI pipes, and reed spacers, .825" track no studs.

*The Mach Z will have dynoport pipes, shaved heads, thick base gasket, ported (base and cyl), clutched, geared, 10T drivers, and 7.5" wheels, .750" track with 144 1" studs

Which sled would come on top in a 660', 1000', 1500', 2000' and then all out TOP SPEED lake race?

*the srx is mine, and I plan to buy a stock mach soon. But plan to do the mods listed above. Bot sleds will be prefessionally setup by Iantomasi racing.


i like the srx's but those ck3's are fast with a big stroke.i would say the mach is going to take it home.all the way through.
Both sleds being set up by Gerry Iantomasi...well, he does the best work..he did my 99 SRX. I'm gonna have to give it to the Mach though...same mods but 100 more CC's...He really knows how to make both those sleds work but I think the Mach will have an advantage with the extra CC's ...also cause of the studs....who's Mach is it....FS Motorsports? Where are you guys going to run?
If you let Chuck Norris drive your SRX, Yammie by 10!!!!
^ I dont get it.

But it will be my Macher' soon. Gerry and Flav are my cousin. He do0es great work on both srx's and the mach z. Everytime i go yto his place for dinner, i see mach z's everywhere, and same for srx. He setup my srx, and damn it flys, but so do the mach's he builds.
When Chuck norris does push ups... he pushes the world down.

Gerry and Flav are your cousins??? I'm needing a new friend, preferably one that can get me some sweet deals on motor work!!! LOL
change_up said:
When Chuck norris does push ups... he pushes the world down.

Gerry and Flav are your cousins??? I'm needing a new friend, preferably one that can get me some sweet deals on motor work!!! LOL

I Will have to add you to my waiting list, LOL.
You're a lucky guy to have those boys for cousins. They set up my 99 SRX 700...awsome job...they are the only guys that I let touch my sleds. They are doing my F7 in the next couple of weeks. Do you ever ride in the Port Perry area? if so let me know, I'd like to see that sled..I miss my SRX.
The Mach will win.....hands down. We have several up here setup similar to that. They are pulling good numbers, and have alot more hp and torque than your SRX does.
