Manual Discrepancy


New member
Oct 30, 2007
NW Michigan
I was trying to track down some electrical problems I am experiencing with a 98 SRX 700. The ignition tests in the service manual tells you how to identify problems in the three spark plug coils, by testing the primary and secondary coils, then goes on to check the source and and pickup coil in the mag. I discovered this in the SX manual as well as the SRX, it specifies a resistance check between the Brown Br to Brown/Red of 392-479 Ohmns, I couldn't get the meter to read any continuity, but the picture on page 8-4 shows a test where you connect the Brown BR to the B/R, which is Black with red stripe contact. When I did this the reading fall within specs, and I believe the coil is good. Since I don't believe you can buy just a source or pickup coil separtedly, let alone lighting coil, you would have to spring for the full stator and I'll bet that is expensive. Local service people weren't much help in this regard. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

the good news is you can use a pickup coil from just about any yamaha sator. ill pm you a price, you just need to remove the connector from the wires and feed them through the harness. i think the two wires to check are w/r and w/g, from memory, when they are good they have resistance, cant remember amount, bad ones are open.

A new stator will be pricy. There are good used units out there at a reasonable cost and the spare parts are worth having around. Have you eliminated the kill switch ? Have had problems there before.
Is this a no spark condition your having?

Let me ask you this, if you place your meter on volts and you place the probes in the connector,on the white/red,white/grn wires, pulling over the recoil rope does the meter show varying voltage? it should vary the voltage as you pull the engine over, if it does -then your pick up coil is good, I would then move on to see if the cdi box is recieving th same signal BEFORE the cdi box, (result?) When i just ohm them out on the white/red,wht/grn on my meter set to 20k, I see .19-.20 on good ones(pick up coils)

Then check the wire coming out of the cdi box, this too will be varying voltage when you pull it over but will be stronger voltage, the wire coming out of the cdi box is the orange wire.
First problem solved

Stuck everything back together replaced a bad plug coil, even though it tested alright couldn't get spark, do now. But I didn't have a headlight or a tach. Noticed that a former owner ran a cord off the lighting circuit for heated visor and that it had wrapped aroung the steering stem and shorted out, cut the wire upstream of the steering column and got back both headlight and tach. No I'm seeing a code going to have to check that out in the manual and proceed from there. From the look of things I'm going to have plenty of time to fool with it and the other sleds, temps are still real mild here.
fruitfarmer said:
former owner ran a cord off the lighting circuit for heated visor and that it had wrapped aroung the steering stem and shorted out.

My 600(vmax rage ;) ) did that the first season I had it. Previous dude didn't wrap it around the post or anything, it had just rubbed through to the bars near the e-brake lever. Pulled my hair out with that one as well. :) Same deal, no lights or tach, and it was fine after I fixed the cord.
