blew up the phazer


Mar 16, 2007
Last year I had the nuts come loose on one of my cylinders and I ended up snapping a piston and part of the cylinder. Time has not been on my side nor has money, but i just recently came across a new set of cylinders,pistons, rings, heads,gaskets and wrist pins for $100. The question i have is will they fit my 1999 bottom end. The set is from a 1998 srv 540. From what I can see they look like they will bolt right on but i dont know and I dont want to buy them only to have them not fit. Any help is appreciated. thank you
Phazer and SRV parts are NOT interchangable. Part #'s on 99 and up Phazer 500 engines are different than the early 84-97 Phazers but I am told that the cylinders, pistons and heads are interchangable between them. Check with a dealer that knows his $hi++ to be sure. The bottom ends are different and not interchangable. If you broke a piston check out your rods real good as you may have bent one. If you have a bent rod you will also need a crank or crank rebuild. 1999-2001 Phazer 500 engine parts are very hard to find used.

Good Luck, Phil (opsled)

PS, I see viperlover has the parts you need for sale on this forum. His prices are cheap compaired to new and you better snag them while you have the chance.
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You should post on the vintage area they might know more about the 540 and phazer engines for swapping parts. I don't think they made the srv in 98, was it a vk 540 motor? I would doubt they would just bolt together.
Just a observation...... I know you said "you had the nuts come loose on one of my cylinders" But, has anyone else noticed the Large number of 1999-2001 Phazers with destroyed engines ? Heck, I see them every where with Blown, Rebuilt or replaced engines ? The 1984-1998 Phazer engines were nearly bullet proof if kept stock......
Vmax540 said:
Just a observation...... I know you said "you had the nuts come loose on one of my cylinders" But, has anyone else noticed the Large number of 1999-2001 Phazers with destroyed engines ? Heck, I see them every where with Blown, Rebuilt or replaced engines ? The 1984-1998 Phazer engines were nearly bullet proof if kept stock......

ill second that.

my 1991 phazer has 11,000 km on the never touched engine.

i took the reeds off and the header off to check for any serious scoring.

NO scoring and the cylinders still have cross hatching.

but it does need a set of rings.
