No More Bunny in Yamaha Promo DVD's!

Would you like to see Bunny in future Yamaha promotional DVD's?

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Lifetime Member
May 7, 2003
Inver Grove Heights, MN
Fellow TY members:

I was at the Mpls. Snowmobile show tonight and had a chat with Bunny from the Yamaha "Johnny Skeptical" promo DVD's and got some pretty sad news.

It sounds like she and Johnny got their walking papers from Yamaha which means that the happy couple and her sister will not be featured in future Yamaha new sled model promotional material. She still will be doing promotional appearances at various shows for Yamaha.

I can understand Yamaha's reluctance to not continue with the "Johnny Skeptical" campaign any longer since the 4-strokes are not new ground in the snowmobile industry any longer, but to abandon Bunny's talents and her fan following, and to risk the chance of her straying to another camp is downright reckless abandonment.

I for one think that Yamaha is making a big mistake in not using her exceptional talent in the future and would like to see if any other fellow TY members feel the same way.

Please respond in the poll with how you feel.

Thanks. Boomer from TY 2-Stroke, VX1R from TY 4-Stroke.

A Bunny and Johnny Skeptical supporter. Darn Tootin!
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I feel that she takes focus off the sleds too much. I want to see the tech details and benefits. If I want to see blondes, I can just watch another dvd. I liked the 99 promo video the best. I hope this wasn't too harsh
norwegian said:
I feel that she takes focus off the sleds too much. I want to see the tech details and benefits. If I want to see blondes, I can just watch another dvd. I liked the 99 promo video the best. I hope this wasn't too harsh

who asked you!!!!!lol :rofl:
I love blondes and on a sled yet....ya ya ya.. Keep them.Haven't seen them,anyone got a pic for us.Have I mentioned my wife is blonde and her hair hangs down to her azz!!!!!!!LOL;)! :WayCool: :rockon:
Bunny & her single sisters seemed like such a great idea how to introduce snowmobiling to other single woman??? She was far more informative & interesting than Jimmy Blaze....
Meh. They had a nice run. I thought they were a one time thing back in 05 or whenever they came out. Can't say i'll miss 'em because i've got the dvd's anyway.

I don't think "Bunny" was all that talented. She seemed akward on camera sometimes. And I like her sister better anyway, must be the accent!
Totally agree on the last bit!

Groovetastic said:
Meh. They had a nice run. I thought they were a one time thing back in 05 or whenever they came out. Can't say i'll miss 'em because i've got the dvd's anyway.

I don't think "Bunny" was all that talented. She seemed akward on camera sometimes. And I like her sister better anyway, must be the accent!
The 2008 DVD was my first time watching a Yamaha video, and I found it quite a bit more entertaining than some of the other brands. My wife was actually entertained enough to keep watching, and the action shots actually made her look forward to going snowmobiling for her first time this year. I think that's reason enough to keep bunny around!
