Ski alignment!


New member
Jun 22, 2004
Kitchener,ON Canada
I noticed my ski's were toed in by about 1/4 of an inch. My question is do you have to toe both sides out by the same amount or only toe one side out? Is it also okay to measure from the front and rear carbide bolts. How far can I screw the nut out on the steering rod before I have to worry about it breaking.

i would check the tec sections for betheviper's aligning the skis info. i did that to my 500 and it turned like it was on rails.
Steve, measuring from the front and rear carbide bolts should be okay, they may not be perfectly in the center of the carbide runner, but should be close enough that you don't have to worry too much. As for adjustment, you should adjust both side equally to keep your bars straight. You start adjusting one ski by itself and leave the other and you'll be riding with crooked bars. What I do is run a straight edge along the track with the sled on the ground and measure from the carbide bolt to the inside of the straight edge, adjust the ski to zero difference from front to rear and do the same on the other side. (I run no toe out, keeps a straight line, generally you want to be between 0 to 1/4" toe out.)
But yes Maim is right I would check the tech section and read the write up on ski alignment... I sometimes tend to get ahead of myself and forget any details that others may not know.
