What brand tool is everyone using? I know Sled Pro is probably the best, but I am not sure I want to spend upwards of $150 for one. I had thought that Pioneer's clutch alignment tool for $48.00 looked like a decent tool, but they are back ordered from the manufacture. Bruce at Pioneer is not sure when they will come in. Are there any other decent options? Thanks, G.B.
New member
Sled Pro....Bought it used...either here or ebay...the thing was so darned easy to use
that I thought why so expensive?..but thats the point...it took all the hassle out of the job..then again...installing a Torque limitor kinda realigns the engine anyways...
Good investment...wished I used it more...to bad yer not in Canada...I'd lend it to ya...
good luck
that I thought why so expensive?..but thats the point...it took all the hassle out of the job..then again...installing a Torque limitor kinda realigns the engine anyways...
Good investment...wished I used it more...to bad yer not in Canada...I'd lend it to ya...
good luck
Active member
hartman has them and they work great for sleds without electric start, ok for sleds with e.s.
Active member
xsivhp said:
Thanks XSIVHP. You bring up a question that I did'nt think of related to if a clutch alignment tool works with electric start or not. Although, I currently have both the clutch and secondary off right now so it may not be a big deal. Thanks, G.B.