Gearing a 121" to 136" srx what gears are best??


New member
Dec 3, 2006
comstock park, michigan
I have an SRX that i have stretched to 136" and this year i was going over the sled and found stretched chain and worn gears. I would like to know best gearing for this particular set up have bender roller secondary and heavy hitter clutch set up could you help me with gearing top tooth count and bottom gear tooth count and lenght of chain thanks for the help!!!! Jason

I ended up going with 23/39 with stock 70 link chain on my 136" SRX with pretty good results. I know Skidooboy went with 24/38, he figured the taller gearing would help for trail riding, i am wanted a little more low/mid range hit so i went with my set up.........James
I ran my SRX M10-136" with 1.5" camoplast challenger and stock gears. Ran great except a different gear would have helped a little in long runs through deep snow. All around, it performed pretty well
