Shipping over the border?


Mar 14, 2005
I need to ship a skid to Ontario. What are you guys finding to be the best shipping company to deal with? a definate NO!!!!! go purolator or Fedex....or even beter yet get seller to tear down skid and put in 2 boxes and send USPS... I have had 2 skid shipped from the US...and UPS dinged me $65 in duties! forgot to mentiion the skid that was shipped with ups was not boxes...shipped as is as ups said its easier for driver to pick up and roll on rear idlers!
srv540 said: a definate NO!!!!! go purolator or Fedex....or even beter yet get seller to tear down skid and put in 2 boxes and send USPS... I have had 2 skid shipped from the US...and UPS dinged me $65 in duties! forgot to mentiion the skid that was shipped with ups was not boxes...shipped as is as ups said its easier for driver to pick up and roll on rear idlers!

I wouldn't dare leave the rear idlers exposed. I'd fear those drivers would beat the sh&t out of them.
How far is your customer from Niagara Falls area.

I charge $25.00 handling fee if it's shipped Lewiston NY 14092. Your customer picks it up and brings it over himself. We have a truck dock as well.
Break it down and it will go usps. Boss ships their seats USPS and the box is huge (longer than the rails). USPS will ship up to 70 lbs and Canadian post will do 60 (99% sure that's what it is). I shipped a 144" track to Canada no problems. Also, parcel post/ground shipping is no longer available outside the US, Priority will get there quick!
if its a skidframe, what I did was to unbolt the shocks at 1 end then collapse the whole skid, zip tie it down and itcan slip right into a box or wrap it in cardboard, makes it alot flatter and easy to handle.
definately ship it usps, i got screwed a few times with ups on customs charges because they dont do it themselves they outsource it to another company. canada post will do upto 30kg(66lbs)
RJH...I sent you a PM regarding your Lewiston offer...but to the others...yeah man...I've gotten raped from a few of them UPS etc..Brokerage fees suck!!!
Ya USPS if possible.

I sent a PC card to a guy in Barrie, ON from Michigan via UPS. Wow. It was $12 shipping, the declared value was $20 but it was a gift and he still had to pay some $25 in brokerage fees. It would have been cheaper to drive there and this is on a cheap item I can't imagine anything of value.
Yeah..I had the same sorta thing..the item was $100...they said it was a gift etc...and I still got charged $50...brutal...Hell...I've been thinkin of setting up a P.O box down there just to save cast..but RJH sounds like a good possibility...
