VORTEX reeds????

not sure? I just picked up 2 new sts for my vmax 4 800 motors.... 1 set of dual stage reeds and the other set is single stage reeds, I did not find anything via google. but the guy had some for mach z tripples and for vmax 5/6 left
Ya – this dude made up some sample test reeds for me for a shifter kart. You got too much HP and a clutch in your sled to feel the little difference from (new) stock if any. He had cuts and altered thickness and material in them to change the strength of the lift.

We had them in a 125 CC Euro engine kart at 13,500 at 42HP.

We wanted reeds that didn’t resonate the ends off them.
I like they way they stayed tight just like the _____ reeds (the name is gone from my head) – he makes dual stage as well. Anyway both did the job both required leaner pilots. ITS Boyesen Reeds

We had another brand sponsor but they didn’t seat tight. Well – I was told the pressure pushes them back down - I didn’t use them.
RJH, how long ago was this? I a just curious as when I go to vortex website they dont list any engine parts??? I fired off a email to them to see if they have any info on these???
RJH here is a picture of the 2 set of vortex reeds....both single and dual stage reeds....these guys are from florida????? anyway will see how they work.

