I just bought an 01 srx with 2500 miles for $2100 and now I plan to work it over for drags. I'm thinking race porting, machz carbs and bender pipes it will run on race fuel what kind of horsepower will I be looking at? and who should I get to do the porting? I was also thinking nitrous but not sure I dont think nitrous is good with high compression. Also if I dont go high compression what nitrous system should I use? just throwing aroun ideas right now!!
VIP Lifetime Member
race porting, headwork, bender big bore pipes, bigger carbs youll be right around a real 170-175hp/104lbs of torq.
VIP Lifetime Member
Look above my post, and you have your port man. I heard he is needing more to do. LOl Best in the business. Maxdlx
New member
Justin Fuller is your porting guy. Used to be at Bender. Pm me if interested and I will give you his number.
Active member
From what I have read and learned on here I would go with Mrviper without a doubt!!!!!!
New member
Justin was the guru with Bender racing and did all of the big bores, strokers, and porting. I've run Bender porting and big bores since '95 and never had any issues with any of our motors. Very competitive and dyno proven. That's my two cents worth.
New member
I agree. Justin is amazing. He's forgotten more about Yamaha motors than most people will ever know. He's started his own business now, mostly doing turbos, but will still do 2 stroke stuff. He currently holds the horsepower record on Dynotech's dyno with his turbo.
no question - justin fuller. my IS700 he built for me when he was @ bender's: 190 hp @ 9750. the same motor with lectrons was right around 200 hp. you can reach him @ full power performance 716 699 6299.
he is also a clutching & setup guru.
he is also a clutching & setup guru.
I like DirkDiggler
Use Don "Mr Viper" He's a strait Shooter. Justin is very knowledgeable as well you wouldn't go wrong with him either. But If I had to pick I'd Pick Don