can we get back to the 779 and 835 big bore kits pls


New member
Apr 25, 2003
northern ontario,canada
we need to get into this 770 and 835 kits more info on this will help us all
in getting them tuned perfect
since our last topic had a ban virus now we can get back to talking about this stuff if you all think its a good idea then lets start ok thnx :twisted:
Big bore

Are there any big bores out there trail riding or touring long distances. I'm looking for more hp but must be reliable and I do realize fuel is a big issue. To build high hp its nice to burn high octane fuel. Its hard too even depend on premium because every once in while regular is only available in some very small towns. I usually ride 225/250 or so miles a day for four to five days at a time. I've been running CPR's for about 2600 miles with no problems along with Jeff Simons recommendation for compression reduction from 13 1/2 down to 12 5/8. I'm guessing a viper @ 120 hp plus pipes 28 hp minus 4 hp for compression equals 144hp ? ? being conservative. This sled beats all stock SRX by 2 to 3 lenths @ 100 mph. Whats the next step. I'm told porting is only worth 6 hp at the very best. To get into the mid 160's can I do this reliably with a big bore running regular fuel. At what cost ? -- Mac --
I'm also curious about the gas milage issue. I get super gas milage w/my '01 SRX 700, race logic porting, cold air kit, tempaflow, 89A-10 and stock gearing. Power increases are always good, but I do love being the last person to worry about the next gas stop.
