Looking for Grease Zerk Dust covers


VIP Member
Aug 9, 2003
Northern, IL
Anyone know of a major chain store that stocks these? I found them online here: Covers

But shipping will be twice as much as the covers. I'd like to find them local if possible.
Did you try a farm and fleet store? The RED may be kind of a good thing.... It'll remind you to grease where the red caps are... Just Brainstorming...T
This is the Yamaha part number for them: 663-45119-00-00
I got it from the outboard parts list, I thought they were used on sleds, but could not find them.

If you are close to a boat dealer, the Mercruiser stern drive uses part number:
19-77633Q . They look identical to the ones in your link.
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Automotive supply stores sell them to cover the brake bleeder screws on cars.
You can also see if anyone locally rebuilds brake calipers; they should have lots of them.
Zerk Covers

Highland's Yamaha in Il. sells them in many colors. 25 cents each.
