Recoil rope


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
The recoil rope on my SRX is starting to get too short and needs to be replaced and I wondered what some of you that have changed theirs used as a replacement.Did you get a piece from your dealer or use some other type of rope?I see on Ebay that someone is selling recoil rope or rope that is suitable for that anyway and thought it looked ok but don't know for sure.I keep forgetting to call my dealer to see what he has in stock and the only other place locally is a small equipment dealer with chainsaws etc and I know that the rope I get needs to be heavier than that.
The rope should be 3/16" for sure.I know my rope is short on my SRX to.I bought extra rope just in case.I should change it now,but don't feel like taking my exhaust out again to get to the pulley housing.
A hardware store or farm store usually has a selection of rope. The problem is finding the original sized metric rope which is larger. The Yamaha dealer may only have 3/16 on a roll too, which is what is commonly used. If you want the original type rope you may have to order one.
I just replaced mine tonight.

I actually had another complete recoil assembly with extra strength heavy duty 6MM cord.

My stock rope on the other recoil was getting to be very fryed and dingy looking after 7,000 miles. I didnt want to be stranded on the trail so I replaced it. When you guys take out your recoil, you need to unbolt the aluminum cross shaft right above it. They are 14 MM bolts and 1 long one goes through the brake caliper.
I have never had any luck with hardware store rope holding up in my atvs. So I always pay for the real stuff. I don't really know the difference but it beats trying to start it with the rope wraped around the clutch.
get acual recoils rope, it wont break as easy. I put way more on than I think I'll need, then pull it out till it works properly, then tie it off in the handle.
