Viper Pipes and or other power mods?


New member
Nov 17, 2007
Airdrie Alberta Canada
Just wondering what pipes will fit my 04 vipers with a reverse kit on it.
and what what else can i do to get so more power out of it at 7000feet..

2004 Red Viper Mountain Reverse kit, 144", altitude kit from Holzman. clutch weights 50/50
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porting can gain you a good bit of power. pretty much the best mod after pipes/clutching. im not sure on the reverse question but im sure someone will chime in soon with an answer. welcome aboard. :wel:
I am not sure about other pipes but I did get the SLP's in mine with only slight modifications to the chain case cover - I had to trim one threaded boss and a small portion of the front flat tab - I think they are needed for electric start models only. If you are looking at the cover it will make sense.
I have a 02 red viper with electric start and reveres. I was able to put Speedworks pipes on it without any modifications to the gear box. I used the same battery as the 01 V-Max Deluxe (It’s long and narrow) and mounted it on the other side under the secondary using the stock battery box. All of the cables are long enough to make this relocation without much trouble. I pounded out two winters with set up without any problems.
I have Bender pipes on my 04ER with no modifications to the electric start, battery location, or the reverse/gearbox.
