parts book?


New member
Nov 13, 2007
Regina, Sask
Is there a place online that offers a breakdown of a 1970 ss396. I will be starting the rebuild and restoration of mine and would like a reference. Just so I can tell how things go back together in case something gets mixed up.
a guy on e-bay reproduces a lot of the parts book on the old yams. thats were i bought 1 for my srx it was 20.00
Yamaha has parts lists and exploded assembly diagrams of all sleds online. Check their website under parts and service - you should be able to find alot of info there. Certainly won't take the place of a manual, but it'll help.


Edit - that's Yamaha's US website, not Canadian. Not sure if this link will work, but I'll try it anyway...

Parts & Service Click "View parts catalog" on the left hand side.
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I would think that the sw396 would be close to the same, except for the pipes, carbs and some porting/head differences. Is the suspension and chassis the same though?
The SW was a different chassis (wide track), but mechanicly they were the basically the same save the pipes, carbs etc. as mentioned previously so most of the exploded views should apply.

I've had the 1970 brochure since forever and have never seen an SS 396 in real life to date or even heard of anyone who owned one! Lately, I'm stumbling across guys who have them, it seems bloody everywhere! Whats up with that? I just missed a good running example at a local snowmobile wreckers, he had one SS and not one, but two GP 396's! Good luck. G.
did these things have dual mikuni slide carbs. Because mine has what looks like dual vm-30 maybe, with super nice domed chrome air cleaners on each one.
71 Gp396


I'm the proud owner of a very prone to PTO detonation GP396. I've got the service manual for it and some others that cover various models.

My guess is that my 396 would be nearly identical to your SS oustide of the porting and exhaust (to the tune of about 8hp).

Any specific info you're looking for? If I remember to bring it to work someday I may be able to get some decent enough photocopy's

I've also downloaded and printed all the schematics and parts list from the US Yamaha site. I would think the same info would be available for the SS.

By the way, the SS is a very cool find in my book.
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What do you mean by PTO detonation? The weights in the primaries rattle at low rpm as they get older. Is that what you're talking about? Your GP 396 is listed in the brochure as 28 "wild wiry horses" @ 5500 Rpm.

I'll have you know that as a boy I spent many a hour drooling over the pics of the GP 396 in the 71 brochure. I wound up with my SS 433. But when I was dreaming of them, a 433 seemed to be made from unobtainium (the old man was against me having that much more oomph!), and I felt the 396 to be more within my grasp....and a fargen cool sled. Keep the shiny side up! G.
PTO Detonation

I mean I keep blowing a whole through the PTO side Piston. Very frustrating at this point. 3 complete rebuilds.

My only thought at this point is that I have a fuel delivery issue with that sides carb that ultimately allows it to lean out. I have two NOS carbs that I'll be putting on and see if she makes it past the 28 miles I got out of her last time.

Although it's frustrating I absolutely love the sled. Pretty cool looking and I love twin scarf suckers out in the open. Don't see many around.

SS433 is certainly the Big Brother to the GP. I might have a line on two 72 GP433's that look identical to my GP (before the square headlight) that I'll jump at if there offered up.
I saw a similar problem on a cat once, never on a yamaha, but you never know? What his turned out to be was a case gasket that was old and cracked and it allowed air to get in on that side causing the lean condition. Once he replaced the gasket, the problem was solved. There should be a way to test for that with vacum or something? However, I'm not the guy to ask and could simply be blowing smoke out of rear, some of these other fellas here like Opsled and Yammie God are very knowledgeable and could maybe tell you what the problem is and where to look. Maybe try a new post asking that question and see what they come with?

Good luck, mine were all drop dead reliable. The only one I ever burned down was the GPX, but that was when I was racing it and had her pushed to the edge. Sometimes I'd melt three pistons a weekend!
If you want to check your seals and gaskets on the bottom end, start your sled and spray some starting fluid (ether) around the seals. If the sled revs up then you have a leak. A little trick I learned a few years back.
Thanks for the tips

Thanks for the tips but I'm afraid I'm beyond all that. Done the spraying of ether when the engine is running cold and hot, no change. I've built plates and gaskets to cover the intake and exhause ports and pressurized the engine on the last two rebuilds to 12 psi with no leaks at the seals or any of the gaskets.

So I'm left thinking that fuel delivery becomes and issue at some point before detonation. Why is the question.
