New Track

Yes, you sure can. Track will rub on the front exchanger protectors, which isnt a huge deal. but you have three options...1) Just let the lugs that are rubbing wear down 2) Remove about 1/4" from each lug that is rubbing. You can use a dremel tool or heavy razor knife to do this 3) Remove the front exchanger protectors altogether.

When I put the Ripsaw into my '01 SRX I notched the track and took 1/4" or so off the lugs that rubbed. No big deal, took about 45 minutes.

Then I replaced the Ripsaw with an Ice Ripper and rather than notching the track again I just removed the heat exchanger protectors. There is only two rivets at the bottom that hold them on.

The choice is yours but it will fit.

--Steve (O.C.)
NY AttakGT:
Did you happen to manage to remove the protectors with the track still in the sled? or did you need to remove the track to get enough access?

