Still looking!!


New member
Sep 9, 2003
Creston BC
Has anyone here removed the oil injection system from a 700 Triple? Its saves a lot of wieght on other sleds,has any one done this to a MM?
Have you looked at the oil pump? I can't imangine much weight savings from removing that little thing, plus you have to install a cover where the pump used to be and good luck making sure there are no leaks. Once you have removed the pump now you have to experiment with the correct mixture and you will never get as precise an adjustment consistantly as you did with the pump. Ton's of other areas to shave weight don't think the oil pumps worth it
oil pump!!

I leave the oil pump on.......and a small feeder tube to the crank bearings......the wieght saved is the tank and all the various hoses..brackets..etc. As for oil mix..if you mix at 50 to one,it is always 50 to one. I also believe it makes the throttle pull way easier. Im just looking for input and any is aprreciated!! Thanks
