I cant answer your first question but for the second, Go to the search function and type in "SRX long travel" and you will find a lot of info on more suspension travel.
for a just new yamaha owner go with a 1" lug height with 1.075" picks in it, about 168-192 is the average amount installed, if you do alot of icy road riding/lake running more studs will be better for safety, for groomed trail use 168. The camoplast 9830 is a great track and so is the hacksaw track.
You can just install viper shocks in the rear skid and it will longtravel the rear suispension for the bigger bumps, they will bolt right in.
A rx1 skid will work but some of the rx1 shocks were non rebuildable ones, and you need to swap out the rear shaft to get it to fgo in a srx, its easier to just bolt shocks in your current skid.
You can just install viper shocks in the rear skid and it will longtravel the rear suispension for the bigger bumps, they will bolt right in.
A rx1 skid will work but some of the rx1 shocks were non rebuildable ones, and you need to swap out the rear shaft to get it to fgo in a srx, its easier to just bolt shocks in your current skid.