Talk to me about the Enticer


New member
Dec 22, 2003
Edgerton, WI
My brother was telling me the other day that one of his friends has an old Yamaha that he wants to get rid of. He said I could pretty much have it for free.
Anyways, he didnt know what it is, much less what year it is, but he told me that it was fan-cooled, has a single carb and had leaf spring suspension.
I havent had the chance to go look at the sled yet, but Im guessing its an Enticer.
He says the only thing wrong with it is that the motor is locked-up. He says when you go to pull on the rope the motor wont turn over.
So, tell me, whats the availability on engine rebuild parts for a sled such as this?
Also, for an old beater vintage sled, was this a good one? I used to have a '78 Polaris TX 340 and that thing was a blast to ride, how would a sled like this compare to my old TX?
Are parts for this sled still fairly easy to come by or do you think I should just pass on it?
all parts still easy to come by octane. they are a good little sled. they take a beating and just keep going. it could be a ss440 as well.

bro rebuilt a 1978 et340 for $500.00 2 years ago with new crank seals pistons rings and clutch parts. i would say go for it.

a little tranny fluid might free it up easy as long as it is the rimgs stuck and not the crank.
Yeah, I will just have to wait and see. Hopefully I can go take a look at it soon and see exactly what it is and what kinda shape its in.
Im actually pretty excited about it. Even though its an old Yamaha that will probably need some work, Im still pretty excited about possibly getting it. The way I look at, ANY Yamaha is better than no Yamaha.
My brother mentioned to me about how you might be able to free the motor up by pouring some oil into the motor. I will mostly like tear the motor down either way, just so that I know everything is right. Id gladly spend a little money to make sure that its right.
Most likely what I would do is let the sled sit in my garage for the winter and then tear into it next summer.
If I get the sled I will make sure to put some pics up.
It could be an ovation, enticer or old exciter.

I would love ot have a nice old sled like that to fix up and get running
them ol sleds are fun, there light snappy and relyable as all hell

but if the motor is set up i would just pull it out tear it down and
have at.
Well, as soon as I know what it is, you guys will all know what it is. Lately Ive been really kicking myself for not buying the '07 Phazer last year and I havent found a good deal on a used SXr yet, so hopefully things will work out with this sled. At least then I can say I have at least some kind of Yamaha sled in my garage.
before tearing into the engine, check the fan housing for a mouse nest. last week i was working on an old snow blower and that was the cause of the engine not turning over. removed the nest and she turned over freely. since its been sitting this could be a really easy fix. maybe there's a walnut or acorn stuck, locking up the flywheel. let us know what you find :)
I went and looked at the sled today. What a mess! The sled is an Excel X, not sure what year, but the hood is orange.
Im pretty sure the motor is toast, the carb boot has a big tear in it. Also, something is seriously wrong with the steering. One ski is straight, but the other one points at a 45 degree angle.
I decided to pass on it. Right now Im working at least 60 hours a week, so I really dont have the time to tinker with an old sled. If it had been something really special like an SRX I may have taken it and let it sit for now, but I decided to pass on it.
Yeah, it kinda sucks, but oh well. Hey, Im trying to get back on a Yamaha. Im still keeping an eye out for a good used SXr or SRX. If anyone out there has an '00 or newer SXr or SRX that is pretty stock (no mod sleds, thanks) that they want to sell for $2,000 or less, lemmie know. Id be very much interested.
Its a shame Im saving up for a new truck in the near future because theres some pretty sweet deals to be had on '07 Phazers right now. You could walk into a Yamaha dealer with $5,000 and walk out with an almost brand-new sled.
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