Will i have to remove any of the stock tunnel and heat exchanger protectors off my 2000 SRX 700 to accomodate either Ripsaw or 9818, and if so how would i remove front heat exchanger protectors.........Reaper
New member
with no studs, I think you'll be fine as is. Play with track tension, as a heavier lugged track will balloon more at fast speeds while braking, try to not get it to rub of course, but if it does, it will only wear on the track.
You can't run that track with studs on a Yamaha though
You can't run that track with studs on a Yamaha though

Yes they will need to be removed. I changed a viper last year and they drag on them a lot. Both the Tunnel and the front will nee removal. The srx, you just drill out the rivets in both cases and they pop off.
New member
I was under the impression that the Ripsaw was notched like the Poodle tracks for tunnel protectors...evidently not, eh? something to look into.
New member
I'm tring to install a 1.5" on my Viper, Campoplast 9803, does the cooler protector have to be removed? And if yes, how? Just cut the weld?

yes, they have to be removed....grind the weld and take a hammer at tap them off.
New member
That helps a lot, THANKS
Have protectors off, i got a great deal on RipSaw, just have to wait to come in, do i need to consider any gearing changes or driver change?

only if you stud.
New member
You mean, he can stud a Ripsaw? 

No studs, thanks for the info, now i just have to wait for the track to come in............

should I say if you stud and go to 8 tooth drivers, then you may want to gear it back to stock.
New member
Turn about is fair play, ma brutha!hehe Just hosing with ya... 

My RipSaw should be in this Friday and i was thinking with about 5600km or 3500 miles should i consider changing any bearings, i was thinking about the speedo side, as it get no oil, and also was told could look at getting local bearing store to match Yamaha bearing at a much cheaper price, has anybody done this kinda thing............Reaper

I would change the bearings as long as you have it apart. Yes there are many places that will match bearings and much cheaper.
So as far as i can count (from the exploded part list) i will need 5 bearings in total, 4 on the chain side (including that small one) and 1 on the speedo side right?, will i need to remove and bring so they can match or has someone out there have comparable part numbers for other bearings(just a thought)......Reaper

I am almost certain, the 2 in the inner case side are the same and the Speed is a flange type ....and then you have the support bearing....are you think of the Jackshaft bearing , sec side??? Now you got me thinking.
Cant you compare part number form the parts finder to see if they are the same???
Cant you compare part number form the parts finder to see if they are the same???
This is what i found in the part listing: in the chain case there are four bearings, 2 the same part #93306-20592-00, the small one is #93315-21227-00 and the last is # 93306-20402-00, now for the speedo side the part is #93306-20589-00(it has tork screw), is this the one you refer to as "jack shaft" or is there another bearing i should be looking for as on the parts finder only list these bearings under the Drive 1 & Drive 2....

no you go it....the set screw is the speedo side bearing.
I found the other bearing you are referring to in the secondary sheave parts list, and yes it does have a different part # 93399-99943-00, now all a have to do is figure out how to match Yamaha bearings to other bearings.........Reaper