Is Ken Lysons still around?


New member
Nov 11, 2007
Ottawa Lake, MI
I used to talk to him all the time, and havent talked to him in ages.

This is the old Mtnsledder600, or Mitopdawg

Just wounderin how the phuck he has been doin?
I got a email from Ken a while back. He is doing good. Sounded like he had gotten most of the bad times behind him know. His email is the same as it allwayswas if you stil have it. Maxdlx
Still alive and well, gave up sledding for more family oriented endeavors, camping, travel, etc.

Old thread, was pointed towards it by a buddy
MrSled said:
Ken :D if Im getting older, you aren't getting any younger ;)!

That's what I live for old dawg, just getting older!

Site looks good pal ;)!

Everyone good?
Hey Ken, everything is good here at the old homestead. Glad to see you're still kickin' around!
Right on Guy's!
Things are good here, daughter graduated last fall, son next fall, where does time go?
been doing lots of travelling, did 8500 km, 10 states and 2 provinces in 10 days last year, Hawaii twice, enjoying being semi retired aka self employed.
Hey Ken.... Nice to hear from you, you all done being the repo man or collections?
Hey MrViper. Nope, I am kicking tail and taking names doing collections!
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Thought I better introduce my first Grandchild; Fletcher Hudson Dilabough, born July 27 2013.

Congratulations Ken! Don't have one of those....YET. Spoil him rotten and send him back to Mom and Dad lol.
