Hey guys, i posted in another thread the other night that I have a SRX manual and i'd be willing to send it to people who wanted it through e-mail. Well i ran into a little problem lol, hotmail will only allow a maximum of 2mb in an attatchment and my file is 30 mb, im no computer genius by any means but i'd really like to send the manual to people who'd want it. So my question is what are my options for sending it??
So far i've thought of sending it in numerous files, it would work i think but take a lot of time
I've thought of sending it over msn and this does work because i've tried it with my g/f and it came out okay.
I think it would also work if people had there "own" e-mail account, not one provided by hotmail
So any computer genius's out there lol throw some ideas out
So far i've thought of sending it in numerous files, it would work i think but take a lot of time
I've thought of sending it over msn and this does work because i've tried it with my g/f and it came out okay.
I think it would also work if people had there "own" e-mail account, not one provided by hotmail
So any computer genius's out there lol throw some ideas out
New member
well you can go to and upload the file as a torrant and it can be downloaded ... pretty much the same as file sharing network the more to download the faster it is for the rest of us to download ...probally olny few min to get file being 30 mb ...and as long as it is kept on at least one persons computer the file will always exsist computer nerd here tho but i do get alot of stuff from that web site ...but for anyone to get file they have to download a bit torrant downloader pretty simple to get all free too ...just my thought
New member
ski how do i get msn messenger could do that if it helps? dunno
msn messenger you can get from there should be a link there somewhere that says messenger and then you can download it from there
New member
Pm me your msn address
Active member
I just downloaded messanger, pm your msn address!!!!
New member
pm me your adress 2 im interested
hey guys, my msn address is
cant say when i'll be on there though, its been one hectic week so far with work and all, maybe this weekend i can do it
cant say when i'll be on there though, its been one hectic week so far with work and all, maybe this weekend i can do it
New member
Can anyone get on hotmail right now????... it's down for me
Active member
I just did!
New member
wtf, still down for me...
Active member
Is he just going to put the file in his shared folder or what???? Im not to firmilar with msn messaging..
New member
im on