I PIPE'D my 90 Exciter


New member
Nov 26, 2006
I got my hands on a bender race pipe for my 90 Exciter, Do I need to re-jet the carbs? I cant wait to ride this beast...bought early Sept and been tinkering ever since....any input would be appreciated
thats too old to remember, sorry, call bender and get jetting, it will be differnt then stock.
you will need to re jet yes, but how much i do not know(richer), brother in law had a 88 piped, she ripped when he got 'er dialed in..
I called bender on a question on their product of an older sled a few years back. They said we only deal with 97 and newer and hung up the phone on me.
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I sent them an email but never got a response #$%&* ! I know its got 320 in it now,might just go to a 300 and see what happens
just keep an eye on your wash and plug color.....start pig rich and go from
there...test and tune in the temps the sled will see...
I was talking with a local guy and he said to run a 340 main and add a little oil to the gas? I was thinking going backwards. It is stock with a 320..maybe go to a 300? Seems like depending on who you talk to its different, this was coming from a Ski doo guy!!!!!!!
I guess I'm going to put the pipe on and just see where its at...If I keep an eye on the plugs I hopefully wont blow the mother up...white is bad, black is bad, light brown is good correct?
BarneyMN said:
I guess I'm going to put the pipe on and just see where its at...If I keep an eye on the plugs I hopefully wont blow the mother up...white is bad, black is bad, light brown is good correct?
right you do not want white, check @ WOT AND 1/4 to1/2 also as you may
need to adjust mid., where allot of the burn downs happen.

just becarefull, check the plugs OFTEN!!!!!!

extra oil won't help if she's run lean......sqweek!!!!!!!!
Hey, I have that same sled and pipe, (until the pipe blew out), now I have a AAen pipe.

You have to jet it up a couple of sizes, and I will look. but if I remember correctly, you also have to move the clip position.

Where in MN you at?
You would probably be safe around 320. I used to run about 310's w/ direct oil injection lines.(allowed you to lean it down a hair) I had that pipe years ago that I ran on a 1993 Exciter SX. It was made by Dynoport. I ran a few of the old Exciters back then. Had 2 1987's,1990,1991,1992 and 1993SX. Also had Vmax540, SRV,SS440, a few Phazers,Enticers,Ovations.Vmax600,XTC700,600SX,SXR700.......the list goes on.
I have never heard of piping a sled and then jetting down, that makes no sense. You should have to jet up. If the 320's are spot-on cardboard brown where you rode with the stock pipe, I'd guarantee you'll need to jet up at least two sizes. If your plugs were running black (too rich), then maybe you can get away with it. May or may not have to raise the needles (richen up mid-range). Do several plug/piston wash checks, and make sure to check 0-1/4 throttle and 1/4-3/4 throttle as well as WOT. If it were me, I'd go to 340's & raise the needles one notch. Better to be too rich and work towards leaner to get it right IMO. That may even still be too lean, no way of knowing without checking. You're probably chomping at the bit to go ride your newly piped sled, but just set your mind that you'll have to dedicate some time to getting the jetting on before "enjoying" your new goody. You'll have a lot longer wait to enjoy it if you burn it down.
Hope this help you,

LH 320 main jet
RH 330 main jet

Pilot: 45
Needles: 6DH4
Needle Jets: 166-Q6
needle clip position: #3
Air screw: 3/4 turns out
Power jets: blocked off
You only jetted down if you ran direct oil injection like I mentioned above. The single pipe is pretty forgiving on those sleds. We ran 330's on our PSI Twin piped 1987 Exciters w/ PSI needles and never burned down. The biggest problem on those Exciters was the lean midrange situation caused by the fuel foaming in the carbs. This occured only with the VM style carbs. The original 1987's came with butterfly 36mm carbs, but Yamaha had a recall because of a vapor lock scenerio that happened to some sleds when the sled was warm. It wouldn't restart. Then when the Vm's were installed ,this fuel foaming issue arose from a harmonic vibration. The shift point for the clutches was right where the harmonic vibration point was at it's worst. There were several remedys like the different taper PSI needles that fattened the midrange. Some installed harmonic balancers and one outfit made weighted float bowl plugs to soften any carb vibrations.
you will have to go richer on mains and probily have to go richer in the middle also you will have to reclutch for the rpm the pipe needs to make power
I had three different single pipes I used variously over my stretch of owning Exciters. An AAEN, a Bender and an early DG that was a perfect copy of the PSI. I did have direct injection on all my Exciters. I even tried a Super Torquer pipe once that existed that a friend owned. Yes, the same guys that make the Heelclickers. I ran 310's on most of them with the single. The AAEN I had to jet down even more. That thing ran fat. My 1990 I bought from Pat Hauck was ported with the Y-pipe and main pipe mod. I ran the DG on that one for awhile too. The 1991 and 1992 Exciters were turds. From what I have seen on this website, I have probably the best background on the Exciter L/C sleds. At least that I have seen so far. If anyone wants to clutch them with a Polaris or Comet clutch, I have the specs that work VERY well.
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