2001 srx vs 2006 attak


New member
Aug 9, 2007
new brunswick
anobody race these two on a lake , i recently purchased the attak. still not enough snow but we had 4 inches of the stuff. i was anxious to have a taste of the attak's motor. so i gave her a try on an unplowed road (road is long and straight never any traffic). that genesis is sweet ,nice wail at WOT. first try i got to 100 mph in what seemed like a blink. next try i held her alittle longer 115 and still climbing. on the last try i was curious to see how high shed go ,i gunned her and didnt let go. going past 120 i just held her and watch her climb 125 127 129 i though that was it but then 130. i was amazed but then i remebered reading how the rx1 speedometer was overly optimistic. is the attak speedometer off by a lot, if so how much.
on my srx i saw 190 kph ,once, never saw that speed again. 175 to 180 kph on ideal conditions.

On perfect conditions in equal state of tuning the 00-02 SRX will beat an attak on top end.
I have an 01 srx,mega-power heads,clutched,geared down 1 tooth,predator track 144 woodys,also have 06 attack clutched and picked,when the wife and I line um up the srx jumps out 4-5 sled lengths and I cant reel it in untill after the 1/4,buy a half mile the attack is out front,this is on a plowed road.
Lester said:
I have an 01 srx,mega-power heads,clutched,geared down 1 tooth,predator track 144 woodys,also have 06 attack clutched and picked,when the wife and I line um up the srx jumps out 4-5 sled lengths and I cant reel it in untill after the 1/4,buy a half mile the attack is out front,this is on a plowed road.

If you geared that srx back to stock it would be about the same or a little better than the Attak on top end. Stock gearing in the 00-02's is really good.
all I can say is that when I demo'd the 07 attak, I wanted one. I was not able to test top speed since the lead rider had the phazerfx and I only got like 85 out of that exact fx he was on.

if the attak is even close to top end of the srx, that is pretty impressive.
i did 132 on speedo yesterday on a real long stretch. i let off, pinned her again and got her back to 132 on speedo. this is my first 136" snowmobile, top speed is better then i expected it to be. time will tell this winter how ill like it in trails.
