VIP Member
The good news is i worked on the H/C set up all day and i think i have it doing what i want. Thanks to Turk, mr viper, and the Aaen clutch book. The bad news is a steel pole jumped out and caught the left lower controle arm. Threw me about 10 feet. Good thing i was going slow. Only damage is the controle arm and a little tweek to the trailing arm. I'v already made another controle arm from some molly tube i had left over from another project. Should be back on the trail as soon as the paint dryes.
VIP Lifetime Member
At least ya didnt get hurt!
VIP Member
A little sore but no big deal. Here's a pic of the new controle arm i fabbed up.
Bummer hitting the pole. New arm looks Good - I know where to go to get a new control arm !!!