

Oct 9, 2003
Caledonia, MI
just thought i'd introduce myself...

i'm from michigan, a 3rd year student at ferris state university studying CAD... i ride near gaylord (frederic, actually), i've had my '00 sxr 600 since fall of '99... and for some reason i've never been on a forum for it; but i am accustomed to how they work.

anyways, i hope to gain some knowledge, and maybe even a few friends. now let's see if my sig pic works...
Welcome to the best sled site on the net, period!

Frederic is one of my favorite spots! We did MANY trips up there last winter, and hope to again this year.

I'm sure we'll hook up this year to get some riding in! Explore the site, be sure to start from the .com page and look through the tech pages!
''WELCOME'' We have a cabin about 5 mi west of starvation lake. We run over to frederic at least one time a year. We have 2 CPR piped VIPER's ''one of them is mine''. Also 2 POLARIS 2 A.C. and 3 SKI-DOO's. Sometimes a lot more then that. This is a great site. Hope to run with you sometime. I live by dewitt mi....Gary.
wow, 9 years gone by... wonder if any of the people i met are still around?

sold the sled in '05 and havent had one since. now entertaining the idea of getting back on one. man i sure miss it sometimes.
Well heck ya get back into the sport. Here is my weather forcast: Next 30 days are going to be colder and more snow than the last 30 days. Oh and shorter days and longer nights. See ya on the trail Al
Just long travel the Kaw and your good to go!! I have family in Middleville and Alto...tell them I said Hi if you see them ;)!
wow, 9 years gone by... wonder if any of the people i met are still around?

sold the sled in '05 and havent had one since. now entertaining the idea of getting back on one. man i sure miss it sometimes.
20+ years now. Hard to believe. I find myself lusting over 00-01 SXR's on marketplace daily this year. Maybe winter of 25/26 will finally mark a return.

..I have family in Middleville and Alto...tell them I said Hi if you see them ;)!
I actually ended up in Middleville myself. I can jump on the snowmobile trail right from my house.
