srx won't idle w/o choke?????


New member
Jan 28, 2004
99 700 srx won't idle without a little choke. also seems to have a little bogg on the very bottom. i changed choke cable, not sure its adjusted right. or could it be something else? it also has a power valve cable,that has the cable housing cracked,but the valve seems to still work fine. i guess i should say that it was not stuck and looked good. anyway the sled seems like it needs fuel to me,plugs are fairly dry when it stalls. anyone have advice on problem?
most likly u have a cloged pilot get. ur best bet is to take the carbs off and give them a good cleaning pilots and mains. should solve ur problem
hey thanks for the help!!! anybody know how to adjust choke cable?[measurement]??? :letitsnow
