Just Joined and am selling my 99 SRX Big Bore. Geez maybe I will just keep it. I am an old man compared to the rest of you guys. One thing I have noticed is the new rear suspensions you guys are putting in your sleds. WHY? The reason a SRX is so awesome is the way it sits. It rides low and has enough suspension for my bad back. I go thorugh my suspension every year and replace what ever is needed. I have tried to ride the 12 /12's but hate sitting up that high. I would like to try a viper though. I would have to find a way to fit in that SRX motor though. lol!!
New member
Well i am one of those that swapped out my proaction skid for an edge skid. My back could take it but my wallet can`t anymore! I got sick of sinking $300 a season in parts to keep my skid together. I went through it in the summer but it just would not take the abuse i give it. The proaction skid just has too many downfalls for me but i love my srx and wont part with it!
It would be very easy to pick up a set of rear Viper shocks. The only differnece in the SRX and Viper skid is the viper has longer shocks, transfer rods which are adjustable and has longer limiter straps. Would be cheap to swap all that out and have some rear travel like a viper
Keep the SRX alone. I have seat time on both and the Viper ride is NOT what you think it should be. Long travel was not the answer.
Keep the SRX alone. I have seat time on both and the Viper ride is NOT what you think it should be. Long travel was not the answer.
New member
tomseal6 said:It would be very easy to pick up a set of rear Viper shocks. The only differnece in the SRX and Viper skid is the viper has longer shocks, transfer rods which are adjustable and has longer limiter straps. Would be cheap to swap all that out and have some rear travel like a viper
Been there and done that! It helped the ride but not the durability issue...lol