Going back together finally !!!!


New member
Oct 20, 2006
upstate ny
I got my head back from Bender yesterday . well not my head ( a new one ) I dont even know what thats all about but after the wait i had I dont even care . Now Im ready to put it back on and install the pipes . i also have to change the jets .. Hope to have it back together by the week end . We got about 8 inches of fresh snow this week and im feeling the itch . Any one out there have any tips on doing all this work i have ahead of me ?

I just did exactly what your doing. The jets bender reccomends are too small for out here where it gets pretty cold. I installed 165 mains and the dcs would come on at the end of a 1/4 mile. I'v ordered 167.5's and 170's to try. Hopefully the light will stay off.
We dont see much -0 weather around here so hopefully the size they gave me will be ok . Did you have alot of trouble getting the air out of your system ?
I didn't remove the cylinders just the head. No problem getting the air out. Just fill and let it burp. I ran it for 15 min without the cap on after it stopped burping and no problem.
