Snow is on the way....


New member
Dec 5, 2005
Eagle, WI
3-5" today, and then another 2-4" on Friday. I got the itch and its killing me now. Got to drive my new toy for 5 mins the other day and that just made it worse. Already have 2 trips planned for the winter during my christmas break but I need to get some miles on to tweak a few things and make sure everything is running to peak!
yeah, more is on the way.

We need a good storm or 2 up north yet for good riding.

I have to get the old track off the venture, put the taller lugged track studded, then in. And I need to verify my w arm is good (it looks straight), if not I need to straighten it and weld it.

I also have to put on the SRX skis, and get the passenger handwarmers working, but that should be a simple fix hopefully.
all the Polari are set. Just the venture needs these mods.

It wont take long! I have off all Christmas week so I plan on getting the venture all set then.
