Srx Bog !


New member
Oct 17, 2007
Anyone ever have this problem ? I have cleaned the carbs thoroughly 3x still there. I have moved the fuel crews out 2 turns, still there , actually started fouling plugs. Any other suggestions?

you need to provide a little more information, as to the "bog", thats pretty vague.
It has a dead bog off idle. Actually anywhere under engagement. Sometimes pops through the exhaust. I have been through the carbs several times , moved the fuel screws ,opened them up to 2 turns. It seemed worse.They are now at a turn and a half. Changed the gap of the plugs from 15 thou to 30 thou . Nothing seems to help. Might just need a good run ?? Any suggestions?
1.)whats the idle speed rpm?

2.) Is it (idle speed) errattic or low and steady?

3.)Does it show this behavior when its up on a jackstand or only on the ground when your giving it the gas?

4.) You have 42.5 pilot jets in the carbs correct?

5.) do the choke plungers return all the way in the carb and the lever has some freeplay in it? you can check with a small screw driver and see if you can push the plunger rods any towards the carbs? the lever should have some freeplay in it while closed meaning you can grasp the lever and move it a good 1/8th inch without moving the choke linkage??

answer these questions and we can better diagnose the problem.
Idle speed is 1800
idle is steady and will idle perfect
42.5 pilots !
choke plungers all return and are moving normal
i have the sled up in the air but in a level position
up in the front and the back
it is responsive if i choke it quick then stab the throttle. It will then respond and rev.This made me think it needed more fuel on the fuel screws but turning them out to 2 turns made it run worse.They are now set at a turn and a half.
Do you know what your carb specs are, size of jets,pilots,clip position,float height,etc,etc??,get everything where it's suppose to be and go from there.

got a good strong spark?

check the tech section for your stock set up..
