Testing hand/thumb


New member
Nov 18, 2005
I am trying to figure out how to test the wiring for the hand thumb. I have tested contenuity from reostat (turning reo varies the resistance on the tester) to module on knee panel, from there, continuity to where the wires split for hand/tumb (99 srx) and tested continuity through the grips and thumb warmer. All of these showed that the circuit is fine, as far as no shorts.

Last year, they cut out on me near the end of the season. Could it just be that the elements are broken inside?

I mean, I tested the power and ground wires right from the module, and they were fine, and this includes through the grips themselves.

What would cause them to quit, other than the elements if all this checks out?

I am splitting the hand and thumb this year anways, but just need advice on why these quit, while still stock.

What do the modules do, that are on the knee panel? There 3 mounted there in all I think
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they are wired in series, so if one of the grips is bad, they both quit working, so the easy way to tell is wire 1 at a time to the wires and see which one works, about 5 mins and youll know real quick which one is bad.
Chilli this happend to me this year and I did exactly what he said ^^^^ if one of the warmers is cracked on one end from coming down on the bars real bad it effects both warmers....I tested one at a time by plugging them into the system individually and found the bad one. I repaced it and added some hooks so don't snap off the plastic that is inside the warmers and they are back to the way they should be....try testing and let us know!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not to hijack this thread but my problem is my thumb burns and my handwarmers don`t get very warm. On the 2000 srx it`s one control for both. I`m no electrical genious so i just delt with it last year...lol
