anyone running the new ice ripper track by camoplast

overpowered srx

New member
Dec 5, 2007
if so how is it? do the studs seem 2 hold up pretty well ? and how well does it hook up on ice ? im thinking that getting rid of 192 studs worth of weight off my track should make a heck of a difference in top speed and acceleration
I have the Ice Ripper track on mine but havent really driven it that much but, the guy before me said its the best track he has ever owned. So we will see very soon!
My Bro-in-law has one on his MXZ600 and It hooks about the same as a track with 96 studs on glare ice. Not enough for his 100hp sled though it is enough to leave me in the dust off the line compared to my Ripsaw on Ice. Hard pack snow I leave him behind.
The Ice Ripper is fine for a casual trail rider, but its not the track you want if you are an aggressive rider.
Tracks with studs in the lugs (Ice Claw, Ice Ripper, etc) dont hook up as well as a track with traditional studs.
If you race on the lake, stick with a 1" track with traditional studs. Avoid a lug that is any taller than 1", because the added weight and wind resistance will limit your top speed.
I had a 1.25" Ripsaw on my Polaris last winter and I lost about 5 mph on the topend. Now its got a .91" Arctic Cat track on it and Im hoping it will once again be able to pull 100 mph like it used to.
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There is also the Ice Ripper XT out this year I think, we got one from Rich for a friend of ours. The 'studs' are a bit longer than the regular Ice Ripper. No word on performance yet, going on an 03 RX1.
