Edge suspension ?


New member
Oct 19, 2006
wayne county , NY
Do any of you guys have a edge suspension with the fox clicker shock? I had a guy tell me the shock is mounted wrong and now he has me wondering. Should the remote reservoir be mounted on top or bottom of the shock?

I say bottom!
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Is this the rear track shock. If so I think in goes on the bottom. There is only so much pressure line on there. I have seen them mounted in the middle of the shock body. It's either mounted to the inside of the rails or the shock body.
yes it is mounted to the shock when you buy them. 1st i put it with reservoir on top but i would think the track will hit it so i flipped the shock over so it was on the bottom. Then had a guy tell me it should be on top...lol
Are you running the walker evans?

I have tons of pics of my skid as when i tore it apart i took pictures of everything to make sure id be able to put it back but doesnt sound like we have the same shocks
I think the resevoir should be on top. like in every other built in resevoir shock setup on any sled i have ever seen. this only applies if the resevoir is not remote. if it is remote, the resevoir goes down, and are mounted on the rail, like an M10.
