Clutch shopping 94 v-max?


New member
Jan 28, 2006
Grand Rapids Michigan and Kalkaska Michigan
Wife rides a 94 v-max 600 twin. It is all stock and the primary clutch is shot. Last year I replaced all the weights and shims and rollers and it ate them up at only 500 miles. I was told last year that the twins that yamaha made had a problem with tearing up clutches. I have only searched a little on this and I did see you can use a clutch from a 3 cylinder model and it would hold up better? If so why? If it will work I may go that route otherwise I think I will just go with a Comet 108 exp. I am by no means a clutch tuning guy so that is why I am turning here.
The sled is not abused and it hardly ever gets above 60 mph unless I take a quick spin on it. Stock sled and don't want any kind of performance than stock. Also I may end up using the sled to pull a sleigh behind it for the 2 kids and not sure if I would need to clutch anything different?
Well any help on what to do about a replacement clutch would be great thanks
