When I apply the parking break it grips and grips well, the problem comes in when I disengage the break the break lever hangs half way like there is no spring tension to pull the cable back. Functionally the break works fine grips and releases when needed its just that break handle that kind of flaps around. I tried adjusting the cable tension and it didn’t help. Seems like when I increase the tension it doesn’t help the lever to retract only “starches” the cable. I think there is a spring loose or gone somewhere within that mechanism does anyone have any suggestions. Thank you
New member
check the park brake springs ....there are 2 of these one on each brake pad.....maybe one is broken or something causing the lever to not return....and if its a broken spring have fun getting them in.....
Thanks I'll check it out.
ya when i was swapping tracks i had a look at the springs on mine, lol definately looks like a gem to remove lol
Active member
I just went through my parking break last year......take a look at your springs and see if they are broke or are they just not installed right???? The first time I had them apart they were a little tricky as to how to put them back in the right way but once you figure it out its not that bad.
Let Us know how the springs look(broken) or are they flopping around and loose?
Let Us know how the springs look(broken) or are they flopping around and loose?
ss racing
New member
I just took my parking brake off then put it back on, when I put it back on It took forever even with the thick style manual in front of me with pics. But it works great now, just make sure those springs aren't broke or in wrong. Good Luck