Exhaust problems


New member
Dec 10, 2007
Gasport NY
Hey everyone,

I'm new to this place, but I figured you all know your stuff. I got a question. The exhaust manifold on my '02 viper cracked. So I got a new one. Problem is I broke a couple studs off in the block. I tried heating them up and turning them out, but that doesn't seem to help. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips to getting these out easily. I'll probably have to end up drilling them out.(Which I'm not to happy about). I want to get this thing done and ride. I've been waiting for parts forever. Thanks all!


heres what i do take a acetylene torch heat up the stud or broken bolt to red hot (careful when doing this...a wet towel or rag helps to cool an area you dont want hot...)....watch the aluminum too dont get it too hot....then spray a little penetrating oil where the stud goes in then take a hammer and tap the stud until it cools....then take vise grips and work it back and forth a little at a time while spraying more juice in it and back and forth and it should come out....by the way welcome to the site....there lots of knowledgeable people on here......take the next year off you will need it to go through all the info on here....lol
