Ohlins Rebuilding?


New member
Jun 11, 2003
Hesperia, MI
OK guys.....those of you who have had your ohlins rebuilt out there....(preferably in MI). Who does the best job? Who has the fastest turn around? Who has the most reasonable price? The only place I have found so far that will even touch Ohlins in MI is Shock Therapy in Durand Michigan.......and even with that said.....I would still have to ship them out because Durand is over three hours away from me. If I have to ship them out anyway is there anybody else who may do a better job? I called Shock Therapy today and I dont know weather it was because they were just busy or if they were just unfriendly. The guy seemed like I was bothering him and wasn't really all that helpful with answering my questions. They quoted me $108.76 plus parts.....plus return shipping IF I could drop them off at Hastings. Is this comparable with other places? Do they do the best job? I know it sounds like alot of questions......I just want to avoid being ripped off.....or spending more than I have to if there is someplace in the West Michigan area that would do them.

thanks guys,

i wouldnt use shock therepy, backyard guy. small dirty work shop. depending on his mood, will determine the service you'll recieve. i had my viper shocks for the srx done at b-line control. bruce is very personable and knows his shocks. he was going to pull the inside bump stop for me when i long traveled the ohlins but i opted not to go into the ohlins just yet. here's how to contact him, bruce schaapveld phone: 651-257-0828 addy: 15397 280th street lindstrom Mn. 55045. turn around is about one week. prices are good too. he revalved and serviced the 2 viper rear shocks i sent him for 110.00. good luck ski
ditto ditto ditto Ski

I sent my center and rear ohlins to Bruce on Monday, as of this morning they are on there way back. Complete freshenup, and rubuit the rebound clicker on the rear, and return shipping, $91. He also redid my fronts for me, and less than 200 miles later one of them colapsed in me. the clicker barrel was bad. The only thing it cost me was shipping to him. He is an honest guy that will stand behind his work. He has forgotten more about shocks and the proaction suspension, than you and I know together. At least give him a call.
