So I am going up to the Keewenaw for the first time in January and have a bit of a dilemma.
I have now acquired a small fleet of sleds and want opinions as to which equipment to bring along given the reputation for big snow up there.
'02 SRX with CB Performance front-end kit and some mod work
'96 Phazer which I had long-tracked (1.25 lug ripsaw) and has had some porting and pipe work
'91 Phazer long-track with an Aaen pipe as well but otherwise stock motor and a 2" paddle track
'93 Exciter SX which is in the shop now and may be ready to ride-pipe and new 6-pitch with pics-drop brackets to accomodate track.
I have not run any of these sleds yet as last year was a total wash for me due to work and a few other inconveniences. I can bring two of them.
The other sleds in the group include a few cats (assorted 570 fan-cooled, F5 and F6) and another Phazer or two.
Not looking to dominate the group or anything-just want to get good miles on good snow.
Yeah-I have more $$ than sense and am single so I can afford to throw it at the toys
I have now acquired a small fleet of sleds and want opinions as to which equipment to bring along given the reputation for big snow up there.
'02 SRX with CB Performance front-end kit and some mod work
'96 Phazer which I had long-tracked (1.25 lug ripsaw) and has had some porting and pipe work
'91 Phazer long-track with an Aaen pipe as well but otherwise stock motor and a 2" paddle track
'93 Exciter SX which is in the shop now and may be ready to ride-pipe and new 6-pitch with pics-drop brackets to accomodate track.
I have not run any of these sleds yet as last year was a total wash for me due to work and a few other inconveniences. I can bring two of them.
The other sleds in the group include a few cats (assorted 570 fan-cooled, F5 and F6) and another Phazer or two.
Not looking to dominate the group or anything-just want to get good miles on good snow.
Yeah-I have more $$ than sense and am single so I can afford to throw it at the toys

Active member
Bring the SRX for on-trail running and one of the long tracked Phazers for any offtrail romping you want to do!
New member
You're SRX will be just fine. I off trail on a daily basis with my Venom and a 1 inch track. If you have room, bring the long track. When you're up, you should get hold of me and I could show you around.
We are going up Jan. 3rd -8th. Any suggestions as to favorite trails, scenic spots, etc. are welcome information.