96 Vmax XT Clutch help


New member
Dec 12, 2007
Graytown, Ohio
well i just picked up a 96 xt 600, and am new to yamahas, it needs a whole primary clutch and i havent seen any on ebay, i was wondering if anyone could tell me if there was any other models that have clutches that will bolt up to this motor, ebay doesnt have anything off of a 600 xt right now so im hoping theres something else that will fit, looking for something i can just bolt and go, dont want to have to fine tune it at all, thanks

if anyone has a complete primary for sale that will fit, let me know, Im interested!!
Look for a Comet 217503A, AC-1 weights and a silver/red spring. New weights and spring are $15.00 each.
comets clog up to easy i have a vmax cluch but you would just have to get the spring cover peace and new rivets for the weights do you have a clutch that is just shot or what....pm me
Mycat, I would post this over in the V-max section of this site. Lots of members have struggled with clutches on their 94-96 V-max twins. These twins are known to be very hard on primarys!
