Hot muffler!


New member
Dec 12, 2006
Avon, NY
I went for a little spin tonight on my Phazer ll, I was testing it out after a Carb cleaning and a new fuel filter. So I was doing some WOT runs across my fields and it was running beautifully. Got back to my house after about 10mins of riding, and smelled something kinda hot. opened up the hood and saw that the back 4" of the muffler was RED HOT! And the rubber vib mounts where smoking a little. SO... is that normal?

I checked the plugs and they where nice and tan. The motor was cool like normal. and the Y pipe and exhuast pipe where normal temp also.
The only Idea I had was that when it was in the shop for the carb cleaning witch was like three days, that maybe a mouse could have made a #$%&* nest in there.

Any ones input would be vary much appreciated!!!
Seen the mouse thing before and it will get hotter than hell, but usually you will notice its down on power cause that nest is blocking the flow. That would be my bet though
hot hot hot

I know that this comparison is with the older phazers but I remember melting the tip of my boot one time 'cause it was warm out and I was doing some wide open running, it's a Phazer thing
I had the fill plug on the chaincase fall out and sling gear lube all over the muffler once. Did about the same thing you are describing. Mouse nest is also a strong possibility.
I would definately be checking that muffler for a mouse nest. That is not good that she is getting that hot. If those hot gases can't get out and you're working it hard it could possibly do damage to other components. Check it out.
Thanks for all the input guys! I'm going to pull the muffler and see if I can see anything, or get anything out. I will let you know.
Does anyone know if there is some sort of a packing in there or is there just baffles? Anyone ever had one opened up?
Removed the muffler today and didn't find a thing in there And there was good flow when I put a air gun in it. so I went for a awesome ride to day and it was fine! so all is good. I think it got hot because it was a little warm out and I was running her pretty hard, so I think that was all it was.

We have a about 8" and it's still snowing.

Thanks for all the replies.
