Carb tuning, and clutch tuning q's? Needed for tomorrow!


Wishing for snow!
Dec 2, 2006
Hamilton, Ont
Carb tuning HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PICS now!

Hey guys,

I was wondering what and how I should tune my carbs? I want to ensure that everything is good. So I want to do low, mid and high end runs. I will do a WOT run, But what RPM should I run the low and mid runs at? Also should I use old plugs? Also I have the Fuel screw set at 1.5 turn out from lightly seated. this what they were set to before the pipes were on, But with all the other mods done. What should i look into for setting this correct. Like low end bog, high idle, low idle. What should idle be? And if the idle is high, set the screw in more? or out? ect...

Also Cluthcing (my worst enemy)!!!!!!!!! this sled has been clutched before, but I dont know whats in it. I will take a look at the tomorrow, but what info would you guys need to set me with a good setup? Tell me where to check and what to look for! (I am a clutch NEWB, Big time! ALSO I dont want to take the clutches apart just yet). But I tried looking at the spring before, but the colours where kind of rubbed of.

Also what should i be looking for as per clutches? I will leave the clutching how it is now for tuning. I will check my MAX. RPM. I will keep you all updated as how everything goes. But please let me know some of this info before tomorrow morning.

Thanks TY, Nik
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Ok guys, started after about 7 pulls. I should have added some gas to the cyl. but i didnt. But she runs nice. She sounds even better. I have the fuel screws set at 1.5 turns out. It idles at 1250 approx. (from the tach). I just had her on the stand. Its snowing REALLY!!!!!!!!!!! bad here so i had to leave. And didnt get to try her out at all. But I take it i should take the fuel screw out a little more? 2 turns? What RPM for idle???

Guys i need some HELP!!!!

I had the fuel screws set at 1.5 out (idle 900). I took the carbs off, set them at 2 out (1900 RPM). wanted to get it to 1700-1800. So i took them out again. Turned them out to 1 7/8. Then it idled back at 900, and then stalled!!!!!!!! WTF. I then tried it back at 2, idled at 900 then stalled. Then i took the carbs out again and set the all the way in (thinking i turned them the wrong way) So i then set them back to 2 out. Still 900 then stalls, NOW IAM F'IN PISSED. WTF could be the prop. All i did was turn it from 2 - 17/8 and now i have probs. I sho0uld have left it at 1900 RPM.

Any thoughts please.

Are you trying to set your idle with the pilots screw's(i hope not)to set your
idle the adjuster is on top middle of the carb rack(big white star nob) you want 17-1,800 @ op temp. your pilots leave @ 1 7/8 to start,you only need to adjust that is if you have a idle hanging problem or a bog of the line.
Sled always had a bog at the lower end. Before i took the carbs aprt (prior to the pipes) it had them set at stock 1.5 out. I am stuck on what to set them at. So I am thinking 1 7/8 or 2???

Also daman. I put old plugs in. I check them and there is oil on them. As you said before i should just run it so i can get all the oil out?????

thanks, Nik
Also any clutch tips? I think I am going to try and rip them apart................. I THINK!!!!!!!!1
98700 said:
Sled always had a bog at the lower end. Before i took the carbs aprt (prior to the pipes) it had them set at stock 1.5 out. I am stuck on what to set them at. So I am thinking 1 7/8 or 2???

Also daman. I put old plugs in. I check them and there is oil on them. As you said before i should just run it so i can get all the oil out?????

thanks, Nik
set pilots to 1 7/8 to start with, and idle @ 17-1800,take 'er on a rip and post back..

how bad was the bog? big or little, if you hit the choke wile juce'en it will
it eather not do it OR come outa it???
The bog wasnt to to bad, But noticable. I will set them at 1 7/8 and go from there. But as for the choke, IUNNO!!!!!
Yeah, but i am confident now, LOL. I think, :).

But i will be picking up a hood next weekend. It has a cold air kit on it. Will this vary my jetting specs. I havr 155, and 45's. will i have to rejet AGAIN??????????
It may,not sure never ran a CAI,just check pulg color/wash, any mod that
allows more air through(in and out) you'll need to re-jet.
Ok then. I think i might be ok with my jetting (a bit o nthe rich side, i think, lol)

Anything for clutch tips? or ripping them apart???????
Nothing, I have never ripped the apat before. I am scared, But i was scared to do the carbs also, lol. I need some tips, pointers for taking them apart and cleaning and seting them up. I have a combo, but don know how to set it up.

