Anyone know what jetting i should be running in my maxperf 780 srx? I need to jet for 0-3000 ft.Id rather be a little fat on jetting so i can get on the lake and pin it.I have 152.5 mains in right now.What gearing works best with this motor? I just dont see much info on the maximum performance 780.Thanks.
the mains 152.5 sound about right, I use 45 pilots jets, 1.5-1.75 turns out on fuel screws in 780's and run the needle stock in the 3rd clip with both shims under the clip as long as there isnt any airbox coldair kits or mods added. if its got holes and such drilled in it, gutted then use 4 th clip with both shms on top of clip, youll need extra fuel in the midrange
Perfect,thanks a lot Mrviper.