viper battery charging


New member
May 21, 2003
Appleton Wi
My son and I went for a ride today and his dash (tach,speedo etc..) was cycling like it was doing a the self test. The battery was dead and once we got home and put the battery charger on it the dash worked fine. My question is how can I tell if the battery is bad or the charging system?

there is a easy way to check, use a digital voltmeter and place it on the battery, then crank the sled over, if the battery drops below 11-12 volts then its got a weal cell. Easy way to check if charging system works is place meter on battery and start the sled, even with a bad bttery it should read 12.8-13 volts when you give it some trottle. A good battery is a must in a ER viper for the guage to function correctly, the pull start is just there for a emergency back up to limp home.
Ok the battery read aout 8 volts with the sled not running. Started it and reved up and it was still only 9.88 volts. I wonder if a auto parts store can test the battery? I have never had a sled with battery problems. What is in the charging circuit? The magneto, relay, rectifier????
that battery will be junk, no need to test it. get a new battery
been done this road do you have an adaptor for a heated visor ive fixed 3 that this was a problem the wire shorted to frame and damaged stator even if battery was weak when its running it cant be charging
