drive axle bearings


New member
Dec 16, 2007
Hey Guys, I ride a "99 Venture 500XL. I need to replace the bearing on the drive axle behind the speedometer cap. Is this a major tear down ? I am planning to replace both sides now. Are there any online repair manuals available. Thanks, Brad.
Behind the speedo cover is not bad if you have a small puller. You can try tapping it off from inside the track but there isn't much room in there. The jackshaft one is on the shaft quite a ways and you would need a longer puller. Easiest is when they are out of the sled but that intales taking the chain case off, removing the jackshaft and driveshaft and then of course the track comes with the driveshaft. Lot of work. Try just taking off your airbox and see if you can get it from there first. loosen you track so there is not as much tension on the bottom shaft for the removal of that bearing. Also there are two set screws on each bearing collor towards the inside of the track and also the air box. Spray some penetrating fluid on them, good chance they are rusted. When you reinstall the bearings I always use some copper cote anti seize in the inner race that will come in contact with the shafts and also on the set screw threads just incase for the next time.
chain case side rearly go. speedo side is easy to do. ive done mine by myself in the snow befor goin riding in abot 45 mins. take the secondary clucth off then the cap, flip the sled on its side and then lossen the 2 set screws. use a small pry bar to pry it up and out using the outer drive wheels as a place to pry. if u dont have the outers which the 500 might not used a punch and small hammer to tap it out. to put it back in u might need some help unless u lossen ur track tennsion. put the parking breake on then have a friend pry it forward using a track window to put the pry bar in then u use small 6 inch pry bar to pry the bearin downwards till it lines up then tap it in and reaslemble. lossening the track u wont have to pry as much but ull have to retention ur tack.
spray some WD-40 or better lubricant and let it sit for a while, even a day if possible. This will only help. I had problems with the end of the shaft being mushroomed out just a tiny bit and had to use a dremel with a sanding tube to get the bearing to slide out.
Definately loosen your track tension all the way to do this job and it will go MUCH easier. It takes about two minutes to loosen the track, and 5 mins to tighten it later.
Thanks Guys. Some good tips. I was thinking the slide suspension and track had to come off. I'll give it a try first and see what happens.
Definately recommend to do this one speedo side bearing (at least). When I did mine (in an '01 SRX) it was seize on the shaft. The bearing came off in two peices and I had to chisel off the inner race of the bearing off the shaft. Hopefully this does not happen to you and yours comes off easier. So follow Blue Hornets advise and spray it with a good penetrating lubricant and let it sit for a while. Just make sure you loosen the two T-15 set screws on the inside collar of the bearing, inside the tunnel area. Then from inside the tunnel try to push the bearing out a little (with a flat head screwdriver or whatever). Once you have enough of the bearring exposed, you can try grabbing it with a good puller. Good luck!

But no, track/suspension or chaincase does not have to come out if you are just doing this bearing.

--Steve (O.C.)
Yes nitris223. Thank you. This will help ease the stress of me over-thinking this repair....LOL. I'm new to this site and I appreciate the help. Thanks Guys.
