M-12 Question, any one have one?


New member
Oct 24, 2004
The UP
I was just wondering how tight everyone else is running thier track with an m-12. Just seems like i have to keep it real tight or it starts racheting everytime the sled hooks up on hard pack under hard throttle.
you lose power from a tight track so maybe try some nonslip cogs and run not as tight.... i don't know from doing it on a m-12 but it make sence and works on my skid..... i hope you can make it work... how much hps r u making... ungodlly amount????
check your drivers, they may be wore. i just did a rx with a m10 and it requires too much tension to keep it from ratcheting. drivers are rounded over alot.
Something to keep in mind with the m10s&m12s is the pressure from the front arm can cause drive axle failure. You may want to replace it with a high quality one while doing the drivers. Gary over at microbelmont says its a common problem with the stock shaft, they break right in half.
