WHAT IS the absolute maximum you can turn out fuel screws


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
Like the title states,how many turns is safe before the screws will fall out under the motor due to riding and vibrations .I thought someone said 2 1/4 turns out max or was it 2 1/2 which is getting kinda close.Daman>you know or what????? I know you are watching every move I make on here...lol
If you have to turn it out more than 2 turns, its time to stop and go to the next size pilot and start over on the fuel screw adjustments.
And when they are gone Turk,I remember you telling me that a person would then have to buy new carbs because they don't sell fuel screws separtely.
I wander why Yamaha only put 40 pilost in 01/SRX and only 42.5 pilots in 02/SRX.Yet on the Yamaha Spec sheets they use 45 pilots on the 500SXR,700SXR,and 700MM sleds.
tomseal6 said:
If you have to turn it out more than 2 turns, its time to stop and go to the next size pilot and start over on the fuel screw adjustments.
I agree with tom,, that circuit will only flow so much,after 2-2 1/4 your not
getting much more that'll help,jump to the next size and start over @ 1.5..
daman said:
I agree with tom,, that circuit will only flow so much,after 2-2 1/4 your not
getting much more that'll help,jump to the next size and start over @ 1.5..
like they said if you must go past 2 turns go to the next size pilot .
and if the temps keep climbing the way they are,there will be no snow to test on properly.Do not like the way the season is starting.Where is all the damn snow that we are used to having,going to be 0 C. on xmas day.Way above normal for me.#$%&*
:letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
