Need Advise! 03 Rx1 Dealer Issue


New member
Oct 27, 2005
Rochester, NH
Wonder how I should approach this deal?

Bought this sled December 7th, Put 100 Miles on it, Steering has been an issue since day 1, (its gots double Runner carbides, and 144 Pics on brand new track they had installed prior to me getting) I posted in a forum about my steering not turning the sled in fluff or groomed trails, The advise I got was, Pull up on the limit straps, or Tightening my front shocks, So I did both and also tightened the transfer rods.

Still no help!

Well after further inspection Revealed, the passenger side front bulkhead lower Front hole for the arm was snapped off, I know I didn't hit anything, The a arms are straight, No bends dings or paint missing, The break is all oxidized, looks like it has been this way for some time (maybe the reason previous owner traded it in????) But when I bought it I asked what the warranty was and they told me 50/50 30 day. I have owned this sled 10 days, and put 184 miles on it with a steering problem from day 1!!

How should I handle this? They told me this sled has been handled 3 times (in thier shop) and it has been gone over (hence me paying 5G for a used sled) (+ I had to add 1/2 qt of oil too) (keep in mind I just saw this to the sled tonight and I rushed over to the dealer and they were closed) so This is gonna be a morning deal, and I haven't talked to them yet!

But I am pissed at the moment but wanna try to keep my cool...
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i would ask to see the owner see what they are willing to do if they are repperable dealor they will help but i see why you are p----d off
Pissed isn't even the word for it, I just got rid of my 98 xt700 that gave this sled a good run for its money, 3 yrs I owned it never a problem, Still running on the plugs I put in it 3 yrs ago (even with jet, Tripple pipes, Clutching etc), So figures I sold the sled 2 days ago becuase I bought this one, Only to not be able to ride it!!!

$5000 PAPERWEIGHT at the moment, Thier gonna try to pin it on me, I know they are... Haven't even Put 200 miles on it or have made a payment yet!

Lemon Law for NH

New Hampshire

Any 4-wheel motor vehicle with a gross weight not exceeding 9,000 pounds. Also includes off highway recreational vehicles, mopeds and motorcycles.

3 repair attempts or 30 business days out of service

Warranty period *plus* 1 year.
Found this too..

RSA 357-D


The New Hampshire New Motor Vehicle Arbitration Law, RSA 357-D, applies to new motor vehicles sold or leased (for two or more years) in the State of New Hampshire. A new motor vehicle is defined as a passenger vehicle or truck with a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 9,000 pounds, motorcycle or off-highway recreational vehicle as defined in RSA 215-A:1,VI.

If, during the express warranty period, you discover a defect which substantially impairs the use, market value or safety of this vehicle, and it has not been successfully repaired after three repair attempts by the manufacturer, its agent or an authorized dealer, or it has been out of service by reason of repair of one or more non conformities, defects or conditions for a cumulative total of 30 business days, you may be entitled to apply for a comparable replacement or refund of purchase price plus incidental damages less a reasonable allowance for use.

In order for a repair attempt to qualify, you must obtain a written repair order. Neither the manufacturer nor any agent of the manufacturer (including the dealership service) may refuse to provide you with a written repair order at your request.

The vehicle is deemed to be out of service if it is in for repair for a majority of the day.

You cannot use the New Motor Vehicle Arbitration Law if you elect to use the manufacturer’s dispute settlement mechanism.

You may not use the New Motor Vehicle Arbitration Law if you have stopped making payments on any lease or financing agreement because of the vehicle’s condition.

The New Hampshire Motor Vehicle Arbitration Program includes other eligibility requirements which you must meet to qualify.

Forms for electing to proceed before the New Hampshire Motor Vehicle Arbitration Board should be included with your new vehicle on delivery.

For information as to your rights under the New Motor Vehicle Arbitration Law or for additional forms, contact the New Hampshire Motor Vehicle Arbitration Board, 23 Hazen Drive, Concord, New Hampshire, 03305, telephone 603-271-6383, or your dealer.

CPMVA-1(Revised 1/06)
Thru Ronnies ...

99999-03545-00 (replaces 8FA-W2198-00-00) $261.62

+ Labor (god knows how long it takes to replace)... .
Go back, camp out at that dealers store & tell everyone how you got scre**'ll see they will make good on us how they are, give phone numbers, I'm not shy I'll give it to them...I'm so fed up with stuff like this, it just pi** me off...I know buyer be ware, but come on man we got to stand up to this sh**...there no honour amongst us...I sold stuff good & bad, but always told the buyer what was what...then the dicision lays with them...& if they pointed something I overlooked, then I adjusted the price accordingly...good luck man...
You know what peeves me off more so .. I usually buy of locals. I need to establish some credit at the age of 33, SOOOOO..... This is the First thing I have ever bought/Financed, and with me I got the whacking on the interest rate!!!! Figured I would Refinance in a year.

I know they are gonna put the F*E&$% to me. The sled will sit in the shop for the next month or so, We already had plans in the making for a trip up to the county (upstate Maine)...

Looks like I will be sitting home while my Buddies are off Riding!! ...

OK ... I need to get some sleep, I am gonna be knocking down the door in the morning..... I will let you all know How I make out and if it doesn't go well, I WILL be Posting the Business name, Phone #'s and Owners Name!!!!

Thanks again!
Heres what ya do, walk in there & say here's that sled that I just got...obviously you & mechanic did not go over it, now I'll take your new sled out till ya get mine front of them call your banker & stop payment on the sled...that will raise an eyebrow...wish yo luck...any good reputable dealer will work things out with ya...keep your chin up...
Yep .. I got the call, Just as I suspected, They will pay 1/2 the costs... Somehting I never did!!!! PATHETIC Dealer! I guess off to small claims court!!!

Rochester Motorsports!

A Standup dealer! NOT

maybe try this approach, go to the dealer ship and ask to see the manager, sit down with him and calmy explain the situation, tell him you bought it broken without prior knowledge of it. I am sure they also didnt know it or wouldnt have sold it that way. Show him the oxidation on the crack and calmy try to work it out. Then make him this offer, youll pay for the part at his dealer cost and they do the labor. This way youll only have to pay a little bit and they only need to invest labor. You have to be calm, nobody will go out of thier way for someone being loud and ignorant, it will get you nothing.
I helped a buddy of mine replace the right side bulkhead on a 04 RX-1. It really wasn't that hard, just time consuming. Spent all day Saturday getting to it and replacing the bulkhead, and then Sunday putting the rest of it together.

I agree a stand up dealer should make and exception and cover the repair (in full). But at least in the state of NH a used sled, or any vehicle for that matter, bought at a dealer does not imply a warranty at all. Rochester Motorsports used warranty is just thier policy, you can hold them to the 50/50 30 day deal, but that is it.

The season has barely started and looks like it could be a great one.

Just my $.02:

Ask the dealer for an estimate of the repairs to see what kind of $$ you are dealing with. Then go to the owner and see if something can be worked out. If 100% doesn't fly how about 25/75???

If you go to small claims court you might not win, and if you hire a lawyer it could eat up most of the cost to have the sled fixed. Nevermind missing out on riding.

I like MrVipers approach. I went in and calmly talked to my dealer about having to put rings in my still warranted sled. After he explained to me that the yamaha warranty specifically does not cover rings he offered to cover it just to keep good customer relations. Never raised my voice, never got overly excited, just explained to them exactly how I felt about the position I was in. I was wrong, they were right, but they were willing to go the extra to make sure I went out happy.

If you go in there and start bumping heads I could see them standing up for themselves and sticking exactly to the letter of their warranty. I think it is just human nature to get defensive and stand your ground when someone starts demanding. But also human nature when someone asks politely for help to offer them help. I think pictures would say a lot also. Even if you take them as digital pictures, get them printed out, it is cheap, easy to handle, and very clear pictures to get your point across.
I talked to the owner, Calmly as I might add. Got the snowball effect, Says he can't eat it, Has to pay his taxes and employee's and such, Best deal he can give me is the 50/50, So ... I am taking the parts at dealers cost, (which isn't allot (like 30% off list is the pricing list I am looking at). I am doing the labor myself. I am having an old time welder here in town fix it, He's gonna build it up, Re drill it or what ever it is .. So I am gonna let him try to work his magic and see if it comes out to my likings, No Harm done it if doesn't work, Just have to start at the begining again. I will post another post later with before and after pics.

I learned a good hard lesson! And/or possibly another class or 2 when all is said and done with this Sled/incidence. (hoping this welding deal works because it looks really like allot of labor ripping this apart!!!)
