Rebuilding 85 Bravo


VIP Member
May 14, 2003
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
I bought a cheap 85 Bravo for my kidlets. It ran, but rattled like crazy. If you pulled up on the clutch, there was some major deflection. I pulled the motor apart and the bearings didn't seem to bad. However the clutch side bearing was loose on the crankshaft. We pulled the bearings off and there is actually wear on the crankshaft where the bearing sits. Not sure how it could have worn as the bearing shows no sign of heating or seizure. At any rate, we installed new bearings. The new bearing fits quite a bit tighter than the old one. We put it back together and there is still a bunch of deflection up and down on the crank. However, it seems the majority is coming from the mag side bearing. This bearing fits good and there is no wear on the crank on this side. However, this bearing sits in a plastic insert, not directly in the aluminum case. I suppose that insert could be worn out as well. Does anyone know what the purpose of this insert it? Vibration dampening or something? Does anyone who has one of these things nothice a lot of deflection when they pull on the clutch? As a side note, the primary is prety worn out. The weights have to be replaced which I am sure didn't help the crank any.

I can order a new insert but now I am trying to decide if it is worth trying to rebuild this motor or try and find a complete one that is in better shape. This one's crank is marginal, the cylinder is dicey, piston and rings should be replaced if I am going to do it properly. My spider sense is telling me to slap it back together and run it until she craps out. In the mean time, find a parts motor and make one good one out of two.

Anybody have experience with running and working on these motors? :confused: h
your find is normal with any high milage bravo that you might come will need a new crank end, or look for another bravo engine.having worked on these for years, i can contest what you are saying about the crankshaft.dont put new bearings on that pto end...they wont last long....good luck, chip.
